Best Deals Heigh Speed - Internet Accelerator Software
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Here are some of the great features of Heigh Speed - Internet Accelerator Software
Heigh Speed - Internet, Heigh Speed is a simple program that speeds up the internet by optimizing your computer's settings. It is extremely effective and can save you lots of time while using the internet. In fact, Heigh Speed has been tested to make the internet over 35% faster! Not so good with computers? No problem! Heigh Speed is made to be simple and easy to use, even for people who are not so good with computers.
- Works with any type of internet connection (e.g. WiFi, Ethernet, Cable, DSL, Dial-up, etc.)
- Speeds up the internet more than 35%
- Easy to use, even for non-technical users
- Run once - no "startup program" that runs in the background slowing down your computer
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