Best Teac DSH01-B Digital Docking Station (Black)
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Teac DSH01-B Digital Docking Station (Black) is a hot and bestseller product at amazon now and Teac DSH01-B Digital Docking Station (Black) is a height quality product from Teac. After researching deeply I found Amazon store that is the best and the lowest price as I can find from online store. You can read customer reviews of Teac DSH01-B and also find the cheapest price for you by compare special price. Click here to read Teac DSH01-B customer reviews
Here are some of the great features of Teac DSH01-B Digital Docking Station (Black)
Teac DSH01-B, For Apple fans, TEAC has developed the DS-H01 - a direct digital docking station for Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod - designed to process digital audio and video signals. Audio signals from compatible Apple products are processed through high quality, BurrBrown 24bit, 192 kHz D/A converter chipsets. Additional digital outputs allow the connection of external D/A converters if desired. Video signals can be routed to a TV via either the S-Video or Composite video outputs. A stereo RCA line output takes care of transporting audio signals to the amplifier. As docking stations go, this is a high specification unit destined to be best in class.
- Video Output:2 (S-Video, Composite)
- iPad/iPhone both capable to charge
- iPod Dock for iPod/iPhone/iPad
- D/A Converter:24bit/192kHz DAC
- USB computer sync.
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