Cheap Dogfish Head Aprihop 4Pk 12oz
Are you looking for the best offers in Dogfish Head Aprihop 4Pk 12oz Best Deals ? I found that the best place that sale Dogfish Head Aprihop lowest prices on Best Deals is Amazon Store.
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Get Fast & Super Saver Shipping at Amazon for one bestselling Dogfish Head Aprihop Click here to get Dogfish Head Aprihop! at a great price!
Here are some of the great features of Dogfish Head Aprihop 4Pk 12oz
Dogfish Head , Aprihop is an American IPA brewed with Pilsner and Crystal malts. It's massively hopped -- in the continuous fashion, of course! -- and the flavor is complemented by the addition of apricots. After fermentation, the beer is dry hopped with irresponsible amounts of Amarillo hops. The beer has a hoppy aroma, with the apricots playing a supporting role. The flavor is rich with late hop flavors, and its bitterness is tempered by just the right amount of malt sweetness and fruity undertones from the apricots.
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